
Happiness And Happiness : The Key Factors Of Happiness

Decent Essays

Gabby Nieblas
AP Lang
23 October 2017
Happiness, What causes happiness? How do people stay happy? What even is happiness? Some people say the key to success is happiness. There are very firm believers that discourage that saying or just don’t believe in it. The major part to being happy is of course being happy. But, how can you actually be happy ? What does it take to get rid of all the negative thoughts and adhere to the positive ones. There is some advice you can take into consideration to live a so called “happy” life. If you choose to follow it, there’s no guarantee of “happily ever after”, but maybe a change in, let’s say diet. There are three major parts to consider when trying to live the happy life with less, well depression. We will call them the key factors to happiness.The first major key of course is, don’t expect happiness. That can quickly die down and the high expectation turn into a blubber on the ground. The second key to happiness is simply just acceptance, there needs to be this light switch in which you can flick on and off in life to be able to know what your boundaries are in order to be able to accept yourself. The third and final key is research yourself, figure out who you are and where you stand in this society it can make a huge difference knowing who you are.
Happiness is definitely a given. The first major key of course is, don’t expect happiness. That can quickly die down and the high expectation turn into a blubber on the grown. As a little kid, children ask for a wide range of things. They beg, cry, yell for them. As a parent you just want the kid to slightly shut up and in order for that to happen a little white lie has to be told. The child is finally happy and is so excited for that game, or that shopping trip eventually they realize there's no toy being given and the happiness wears off. In other cases there can be this senior in high school who finally got that job at a store in the mall that he/she wanted. As, excited as she is she rants and tells everyones about it posting pictures on social media in her uniform. Nevertheless, in 2 weeks she's just about done with her job, slacking off in three classes, barely making enough money, missing ASB

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