
Happiness Is A Connection Between Happiness And Success?

Decent Essays

What makes us happy and what frames this idea of happiness for an individual? Is there a connection between happiness and success? Most of the buzz is about the capability of measuring of happiness. This idea is important but it is overshadowing what the overall picture is about. When you focus on measuring your level of happiness instead of concentrating on being happy this will drop your happiness levels and make the results inaccurate. If you want to be as happy as possible we have to find out what causes us to be happy, and what makes us think of our own idea of happiness. Our own happiness is influenced a lot by media but this is not the only factor. I believe that happiness has a lot to deal with being free of worries. The size or amount of these worries may have different impacts upon the individual’s success in life. We have one life, so we should focus on becoming as happy as possible in that time span. Everyone’s goal in life is to become happy. This is true for everybody, but what makes that person happy is what differs us as individuals. The basic structure for happiness is split up into three parts: pleasure, engagement, and meaning. This idea has been mentioned by Martin Seligman, he said, “Pleasure is the “feel good” part of happiness. Engagement refers to living a “good life” of work, family, friends, and hobbies. Meaning refers to using our strengths to contribute to a larger purpose.” This means you get the pleasure feeling from engaging in something in a

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