
Harry Truman Accomplishments

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While it is argued that Truman wasn’t a good president he actually provided a lot of good things for our nation but take it from the beginning. Truman’s family had owned slaves but His first thought of African Americans servants within his family and he did not come from a raised family. While he was young a women claimed that Truman told her that he felt that one person was as good as any other as long as they were not black. He also criticised the Chinese and the Jews. Truman's young life was an normal but well raised childhood and yet wealthy youth. Harry S Truman born and I am town Lamar Missouri on May 18, 1884 and 1890 the parents of Harry S Truman More John and Martha Truman. Harry’s childhood and young adult were quite tall and sometime harry’s childhood and young adult were quite Harder sometimes he worked hard at making an honest living. Truman was born With limited vision that made him not able to play sports but that didn’t stop him from being that best he could be. Harry quickly showed his …show more content…

Harry quickly grew tired of college so he dropped out and got a job in the mailroom at Kansas City star. Truman also dipped his fingers into the work of an construction company and as a bank clerk. In 1906 Truman left working at the bank and started working at his family’s farm Sue nectar that Truman’s father died in 1914 but after his father died Truman left the fo sue nectar that Truman‘s father died in 1914 but after his father died Truman left the farm. The heartbreak from Truman's father’s death caused TRUMAN to focus more on his life so TRUMAN started a new small mining company and as a partner in the oil business but neither enterprise met with much success. In 1917 World War I started and Truman quickly found any interest in joining the World war one started and Truman quickly found any interest in joining

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