
Head Trauma

Decent Essays

I believe sports should become more informed when dealing with head trauma that results from contact sports. Certain guidelines and classes for athletes should be created to inform athletes about this epidemic. These diseases are not a joking matter and should be dealt with immediately. People are dying due to these diseases because they are unaware of the dangers and symptoms. The NFL, MLB, and association football or soccer are doing very little to protect the athletes from getting these head injuries. Guidelines and rules need to be made in order to protect the players from getting such diseases from head trauma. What is in action to prevent these injuries from happening? How much longer do athletes have to go through this epidemic of head …show more content…

When a person gets a concussion they right away feel tired and lost. This is common in most cases but when women get a concussion and time progress their symptoms seem to get worse. Usually when a person gets a concussion they rest till they get better or cleared by a doctor. However, for some women they go through mood changes, become agitated, and or having personality changes. Most doctors diagnose this as a natural way for women, but in reality this could be more severe than expected. In order for a person to get back to normal after getting a concussion, especially for athletes, they must rest and get cleared by a doctor before going back to playing or working out. Head trauma is a result from getting a concussion. Bleeding in the brain can happen is not letting the brain fully heal. In order to tell when this occurs some recognizable symptoms are drowsiness, constant nose bleeds, and headaches. When a person gets head trauma their brain begins to swell and could possibly kill a person if not treated …show more content…

Athletes should be put through training that is informative about the dangers of ALS and CTE. Helmets and other protective gear should have softer padding that does not deplete the protection of the gear. As in soccer being hit in the head or using your head to make a goal is inevitable. However, some players should learn to moderate the constant head bunting to prevent them from getting seriously injured. In the boxing league or sport constant hitting to the head is the norm is the sport. In order to stop boxers from getting ALS or Parkinson’s the guidelines should have a rule stating that a boxer must take time for their head to heal completely to avoid any serious injury. The money that these sports make needs to put towards research and development to protect the athletes from getting these

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