
Health Campaigns to Use to Explain Models of Behaviour Change

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Health Campaigns to Use to Explain Models of Behaviour Change

In this report it will investigate at least three recent health education campaigns and use them to explain two models of behaviour change. The three recent health education campaigns will be ‘Smoke Free’, ‘Change4Life’ and ‘FRANK’. The two models of behaviour change will be the theory of reasoned action and the stages of change model.

For a health educator to carry out their role effectively, they should understand the complicated processes which may influence an individual to change their behaviour.

The theory of reasoned action
This theory gives an outline that looks at the attitudes which strengthen behaviours. It suggests that the most significant cause of an …show more content…

By the person having a positive attitude and the positive subjective norm, the person will be much more likely to follow the health advice given by the Smoke Free campaign and quit smoking.

The Smoke Free campaign also uses the stages of change model. When an individual is trying to quit smoking they will go through the stages of change cycle. At the stage of pre-contemplation the individual who smokes does not have intention to change their behaviour, they may not be aware or not aware enough of the damage that smoking can cause to their body and their smoking problem. At the stage of contemplation the individual may start becoming aware that they have a problem with their smoking and they are seriously considering stopping smoking but they have not yet made commitment to do something about trying to quit smoking. At the preparation stage they are intending to do something about trying to stop smoking very soon, but they have not done anything yet. At the action stage the individual makes changes to their behaviour, so that they can overcome their smoking problem, for example completely stopping smoking, gradually cutting down on smoking, using nicotine replacement therapies such as nicotine patches, nicotine gum, inhalators etc. At the maintenance stage the individual will work to

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