
Health Policy Issue: Childhood Obesity

Decent Essays

Health Policy Issue – Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity rates in United States have skyrocketed thus making it a major public health concern. “There is a rapid climb in the prevalence of obesity in children in the United States over the last two decades such that in 2009-2010, 16.9% of US children and adolescents were obese”(Karnick, & Kanekar, 2014, p. 2). Today more than 23 million children and teens in US, nearly three in one young people are overweight or obese. Childhood obesity threatens the health of our young people now and their future potential. They are at high risk for serious health problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and asthma. Also they miss more school and have more psychological stress and are more likely …show more content…

There are policy solutions at the state level and community level to address the issue such that the potential of these policies at an individual level can influence to slow down or revert the trend of childhood obesity, nationally. Government also support policies that reinforce healthy eating and physical activity with the goal to provide a shift in lifestyle behaviors (Ben-Sefer, Ben-Natan, & Ehrenfeld, …show more content…

Well-child visits provide an opportunity for nurse practitioners like me to track children at risk for obesity, which provides an early opportunity for NP/health care provider and parents to take preventive action. According to (Johnson, 2013), “Several internet websites were developed to assist parents in the prevention of childhood obesity. The NP can provide educational information to parents and children about “Let’s move”, Shape Up America and Kid’s Health internet websites to guide the parent with educational and dietary recommendations for the child to lose weight and prevent obesity”(p.

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