
Healthcare Industry: Improving Performance Analysis

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The healthcare industry in America has been going through transformations and changes regarding the policies and regulations of individual health facilities at the national level. Notably, the signing of the Affordable care act by former President Barrack Obama facilitated most of the changes in the management of healthcare and regulations guiding the way services need to be offered and the way the facilities need to attend to their patients. Health centers and individual medical practitioners are feeling the impact of the emerging issues because they are prompted to move to action and step up their performance as the new policies demand. Several emerging issues have been identified, and many scholars and experts in health care issues have …show more content…

As a result of this, the overall performance of the health facility is improved, and patients get better attention and improved care. Conducting regular performance evaluations of employees at health facilities are important because it enables them to monitor the performance of the nurses and doctors. Primarily, by doing this, establishing the individual nurses and doctors who are underperforming becomes easier and the management can deal with them individually. Indeed, this emerging trend is bringing a transformation in the healthcare industry by improving performance. Some politicians support this emerging issue, but others are raising their concerns regarding the increased performance analyses. They argue that it is unnecessary because nurses will constantly be in fear of having a negative performance review. As a result of this, their performance may be affected in the long run. They state that the reviews should be limited and properly …show more content…

Leadership at health facilities has become one were governance has become more decentralized to increase accessibility (Poksinska, 2010). The head nurses and doctors at the facilities are now interacting with the junior professionals more than in the past. These leaders are now becoming more accessible to the junior nurses, who can now share the issues that affect them in the workplace and get the issues addressed immediately. The policy seems to be bringing the leadership of the facilities closer to the employees. Notably, this emerging issue is being pushed by management of various facilities. This increases the accessibility of management by entry level employees, and the benefit is that employees feel supported and part of a team. Apart from that, entry level providers can also get the confidence to improve and become better because they are assured that they have the support of their

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