
Herbert Hoover Beliefs

Decent Essays

Desperate times call for desperate measures, and the peoples support is important is what I have come up with after reading through these documents. I think all three of the authors made valid points and maybe some invalid points, as well.
During the difficult time in America’s history, several different leaders suggested a multitude of solutions to the growing crisis; Herbert Hoover wanted decentralized federal government, Franklin Roosevelt experimented with federal relief and regulation policies, and Huey Long opted for a socialistic “Share the Wealth” solution. These three leaders differed with one another in perspective, purpose, and opinion over the best anticipated outcome of the United States.
Herbert Hoover felt that as a country we needed to stray away from Government power and pride more on responsibilities as individuals again. He stated that this would put the Government back into its position as the umpire instead of a player in the economic game. He …show more content…

He started his audience with a statement about fear. His statement was, “…let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” He then hints that all other times the United States had been in “trouble” in their national life that a leadership has come up and been supported by the people. Then, Roosevelt went on to say that this support was essential to victory and that he hoped he could also get that support. He noticed many people needed to put to work and even proposed the idea that the Government directly recruit people (like in time of war) and that through the employment the country would also accomplish projects to reutilize the natural resources. Then, in hopes to keep from getting “in the same boat” or in trouble again he thought they needed to implement two safeguards for strict supervision of all banking and credits and

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