
History Quote Analysis

Decent Essays

History is events that happened in the past to impact the world. Anyone can make history, but the events of that history have no impact unless one writes the history down. The quote “Any fool can make history, but it takes a genius to write it” explains how history is truly made. The quote means that any person, no matter how uneducated they are can make history, but it takes a highly educated person to make history and make the event known. Anyone can make history because history is the events that happened. For example, one can make history by eating an apple, but that won’t be known because eating an apple isn’t a significant event to the world. When one eats an apple, it’s an event that has happened, but it isn’t a very great event to other …show more content…

History also helps prepare one to face the future, so one does not repeat the same mistakes. The quote “History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves and of our common humanity, so that we can better face the future” explains that history is not something one can program and plan out. History is information of events of what happened such as, how one’s background and places came to be, so one does not have to question life and the world. History also helps one by revealing important information that can be used to help improve the future. For example, 9/11 was a terrible event that had happened in 2001. People use that piece of information and make a better future. After the event, the security of airports and the military was improved drastically to prevent the mistakes from happening again. If the same mistake were to happened again, money and time would be wasted to recover the damages and many people will lose their lives. The quote means one cannot program and plan out history for the future, but history can be used as information to understand the world and improve the

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