
Holden Dialectical Journal

Decent Essays

Entry One: The novel is immediately addressed with a bitter tone, projected by the narrator. The beginning sentence of the novel, “...what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don’t feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth,” possibly foreshadows a tragic event that has happened in the narrator’s life thus far. The narrator, Holden, goes on to introduce his brother, who has apparently been sucked into Hollywood and has recently proclaimed a shallow lifestyle full of fortunes, whom Holden later addresses as a “prostitute”. Holden continues to introduce negative events that have recently happened in his life: losing the equipment …show more content…

Later, Mal Brossard and Holden decide to go to Agerstown to see a movie, despite the fact that Holden hates seeing movies. Out of sympathy, he asks Mal if he can invite Ackley along. The three embark to Agerstown, but it becomes apparent that Brossard and Ackley had already seen the film, so the three end up eating hamburgers and playing pinball for a few hours instead. They return to the dorm, where Mal begins searching for a game of bridge and Ackley immediately begins picking his face. Holden begins to drop hints for Ackley to leave, but Ackley is too stupid to pick up on that. Eventually, Holden kicks Ackley out so he can begin to write Stradler’s composition. The composition was supposed to be based on describing a room or a house, but Holden decides to write a heartfelt composition about his dead brother’s baseball glove, which is covered in poems in green ink. Holden’s brother, Allie, died of leukemia. The composition idealizes Allie for his intelligence and sensitivity. It is evident that the loss of Allie was an extremely traumatic event for Holden and the pain is still very much real. The loss of Allie may attribute to Holden’s cynicism and bitter tones. Holden continues to discuss how on the night of Allie’s death, he slept in garage, where he broke all of the windows with his fist “just for the hell of

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