
Holden Mind Patterns

Decent Essays

Journal 9:
“The Patterns of Your Mind”
When Holden goes to see Carl Luce, Carl claims that his father is a psychoanalyst who taught him to recognize Holden's mind patterns. When you recognize the patterns of the mind you can sometimes find out what you want to do in life. Holden does not think like other people, he is very unique, the patterns in his mind were always hard to understand. Holden was lonely throughout the novel because he never let anyone close after Allie’s death. This affected him because he was not able to get the help he needed. This led him to struggle through the his life eventually leading to a pattern of failure - failing and being expelled from all the schools he attended. Holden's emotional imbalance stem from his inability …show more content…

Depression is a condition when you feel sad, unimportant, and helpless in life. Depression can lead to self-harm because people that are depressed feel that it releases the emotions and emotional pain. People that are depressed usually do not talk unless they have to and they feel as if they are hopeless. Depression can always be treated. The most popular way to treat depression is to go to a therapist. Therapist usually help the person express their feelings and let go of their guilt and hopelessness that they feel. Depression can lead to suicide and the longer you wait to get treated the worse it will get and the more your life is in danger. Some people that have the disorder do not show it. They hide it when they are around people, but when alone they self harm. People that are depressed usually are depressed because of a death, or life issue that they are going through. This relates to the novel because Holden is depressed. Throughout the book Holden's depression gets worse. He shows lack of responsibility throughout the book showing that he feels unwanted. He frequently blames himself for Allie's death, and this makes him think that he had to save other people's innocence instead of his own. Towards the end of the book Holden realizes that he is depressed and he knows that he needs help so he seeks it from his friend Carl Luce. Depression is a terrible disorder but the sooner you come …show more content…

Holden feels this way when he got kicked out of Pencey he felt isolated and alone, and felt like he had no one to turn to talk to for help and advice. He feels that everyone he knows doesn't care about what he does and where he goes, he feels as if he is irrelevant. For example Holden says “After I got across the road, I felt like I was sort of disappearing” and “It was that kind of a crazy afternoon , terrifically cold, and no sun out or anything, and you felt like you were disappearing every time you crossed a road”(p 5). This shows that throughout the book Holden felt like he was disappearing and he did not know how to not feel another way. Another example occurred when Holden said, “Allie, don’t let me disappear”(p198) that showing that Holden does not want to disappear, but just wants his parents to notice him. He wants to to be helped with his problems. Everyone feels like their disappearing sometimes. For example, when I am done with my homework and I have nothing to do I go into my sister’s room where she is often facetiming her friends and doesn't respond when I try to speak with her, just tells me to get out. When this happens I feel like I am disappearing and am unwanted. Holdens situation is a lot worse then mine but it is a feeling that I have shared with Holden. Another time I’ve ever felt like I was disappearing was falling off my bed in my sleep. As I was falling and waking

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