
How Did Charlie Gordon Act Ethically In Flowers For Algernon

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When doctors are studying science and testing certain operations on patients, they could sometimes not think about the decisions or consequences about the treatment or operation. Or you could say they weren't thinking as ethically like a doctor should. Which ethically means the intelligence of ones mind and thoughts on any decisions that impact their life or another's life. Charlie Gordon is a character in the story "Flowers For Algernon", and he did not have the most intelligence. So, Doctor Nemur and Strauss took him in without thinking logically or ethically. Charlie Gordon's doctors did not act ethically when they performed surgery to make him smarter.
Doctor Nemur and Strauss didn't question themselves on what is best and harmless …show more content…

However, that's still not acceptable for doctors to do, especially with experimenting certain tests and operations on the patient. Also, Doctor Nemur and Strauss did proceed with the operation, but later gave him an unstable limbic system and failure in the nervous system. Which shows that the doctors weren't thinking of any future conflicts that would put Charlie in a harmful state of mind. They also kept Algernon dying confidential to Charlie since they both got the same operation, and the doctors weren't thinking ethically if they couldn't even share it to Charlie (Dobrin). Overall, Doctor Nemur and Strauss did motivate him to start making himself smart again in the end, but they should've thought about future conflicts that the operation would put on Charlie that would effect his mental health.
It is important for doctors to think ethically about any situation that could effect their lives and the patients life. Because, Doctor Nemur and Strauss were not thinking anything about how much it would effect Charlie, and how much the operation would confuse or disorganize Charlie's mental health. It was also the doctors job to think ethically and wisely about testing an operation on a mentally retarded patient who only did the experiment to quickly become

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