
How Did Joseph Stalin Change The World

Decent Essays

Joseph Stalin forever changed the world through his leadership of the Soviet Union. He made the Soviet Union one of the most powerful countries in the world. Even today the world is affected by his actions. Just think many countries now have nuclear weapons now because of him. He did all of this because he was a world leader.

Joseph Stalin was born on December 18, 1878 in Gori, Georgia. Initially his family was very prosperous but then his father became an alcoholic. This led to his father’s business failing and becoming violently abusive. They moved 9 times before Stalin was the age of 10. Stalin’s mother enrolled him into a Greek- Orthodox priesthood school against his father’s wishes. When his father found outabout this he went on a drunken rampage and assaulted the town’s police chief. He was arrested andthrown out of Gori leaving his family behind. At the age of 15 Stalin was offered a scholarship to the Orthodox Seminary of Tiflis, Georgia. He was caught with materials that were banned at the school such as Marxist writings. In 1899 just before final exams the seminary raised tuition prices. Unable to pay Stalin quit the seminary. After quitting school he discovered the writings of Vladimir Lenin, a Marxist revolutionary. …show more content…

His workload was light, giving him plenty of time to work on revolutionary actions. He organized strikes, demonstrations, and gave speeches. Stalin became a member of the Russian Social Democratic Party. He soon began caching the attention of the Russian Tsar’s secret police the Okhranka. In 1901 the Okhranka began arresting members of the S.D Party. While riding in a tram Stalin spouted agents waiting for him outside the observatory. This forced him to stay on the tram and become an underground revolutionary. He lived off donations from

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