
How Did The Duke's Wife Often Do That He Found Intolerable

Decent Essays

Unit 4 Lesson 10 Short Answers
1.) Which passage in the poem reveals the Duke’s arrogance? Discuss how this particular characteristic is presented. The poem “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning, has multiple examples of the Duke being arrogant. In the third line it says, “That piece a wonder, now: Frá Pandolf’s hands;” the Duke is bragging about being able to have that man paint the painting. The fifth line of the poem “Will’t please you sit and look at her?” The Duke is bragging about how pretty the painting is and wants to show it off. In line thirty-three, “My gift of a nine-hundred-year-old name,” the Duke is yet again bragging about having such a well-known and respected name. 2.) What did the Duke’s wife often do that he found intolerable? Is it something that most husbands would judge similarly? …show more content…

Browning wrote, “And you to turn and ask me, if they durst, how such a glace came there; so, not the first are you to turn and ask thus. Sir, t’was not her husband’s presence only, called that spot of joy into the Duchess’ cheek” (Lines 11-15). The Duchess was made happy to easy, “Was courtesy, she thought, and caused enough for calling up that spot of joy. She had a heart-how shall I say?-too soon made glad, too easily impressed; she liked whate’ver she looked on, and her looks went everywhere” (Lines 20-24). The Duke thought the Duchess was wanting other men, “Would draw from her alike the approving speech, or blush, at least. She thanked men,-good! but thanked somehow-I know not how-as if she ranked” (Lines 30-34). Most husbands would love that their wives are smiling and are happy. They would think nothing about their wives

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