
How Did The Industrial Revolution Change The United States

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A great number of extradentary and revolutionary things happened during the united states early history. Between 1600-1900 we built this country from the ground up. We went through multiple wars, created one of the first working large scale democracy’s and created a way of life that is like none other. There is one major turning point however, that changed the united states forever: The Industrial Revolution. The industrial revolution originally started in Great Britain. England’s’ empire was vast, strong and well founded. It also had a massive population who was willing to buy clothes and other textile goods. They found that the easiest and cheapest way to do that was with cotton. How does this lead to the American industrial revolution? Simple. England could not produce their own cotton because of their frigid climate and began to trade with the southern states. Due to this, Americas production of raw cotton went from three thousand bales to three million bales in just seventy years.(citation) (1790-1860) In order to keep up with demand the cotton gin was created and the united states own industrial revolution began. Many technologies that we see as necessities today, got their start around the 1800’s. Boats with engines and metal such as cargo ships, cruise ships, and navy ships all stem from Robert Fulton’s steam boat. Thomas Edison’s …show more content…

(1819-1867) wasn’t the first person to come up with idea of the sewing machine, but was the first person to make it successful. Due to a physical disability, Elias was laid off from his job and his wife supported them by doing odd sewing jobs. Thinking that there should be an easier way to sew, he was inspired to make a sewing machine. With the founding from a friend, it took two years to make the first working machine and get a patent in 1846. It took a while for sewing machines to catch on though, and he didn’t start making any profit until ten years later after his wife

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