
The Effects of the Industrial Revolution on Society Essay

Decent Essays

Frank Garrido


The Industrial Revolution changed the ways by how the world produced its goods. It was the era when the use of power-driven machines was developed. It also changed our societies from a mainly agricultural society to one in which industry and manufacturing was in control. This had many effects on people’s lives.

The Industrial Revolution first got its start in Great Britain, during the 18th century. It was inevitable that the country with the most wealth would lead in this revolution. After it adoption in England, other countries such as Germany, the United States and France joined in this revolution. During this time there were many new technological advancements, …show more content…

The Revolution also affected children. When coal became necessary to fuel steam engines, many people were needed to work in coal mines. Children were hires to go into narrow passageways and pick coal. Boys and girls were put to work doing dangerous things that children should not be expected to do. Children also worked in factories. Their small hands came in handy to retrieve broken threads in machines, however many children lost fingers while doing this.

The Industrial Revolution had many negative affects on people. Many people worked from home before the Revolution. Raw materials were delivered to people's cottages and the weavers would process the wool in their homes. This was an advantage for the workers because they would make their own schedules and work at their own pace; however, for these same reasons, they were disadvantages for business owners. The Industrial Revolution made it possible to move the jobs from cottages to factories where they business owners can oversee the workers and account for their time. Some people considered the factory jobs a blessing while others considered it a hardship. The work day was long, conditions were unsanitary and food was sparse.

Another negative effect of the Industrial Revolution was on the environment. The factories and industry has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Manufacturing towns were built near

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