
Did The Industrial Revolution Make The World A Better Place Essay

Decent Essays

“Water and air, two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.”

Did the Industrial Revolution make the world a better place?

Good morning, today I’m presenting to you about the industrial revolution. However, I’m specifically speaking about the industry’s effect on the environment from the years of 1750 to 1901. The question asked was “did the Industrial Revolution make the world a better place?” I’ve researched how the industry in Britain has not been a benefit to the environment. My task is to prove to you that the industrial revolution has not made the world a better place, and in fact, has made it worse off than it initially was.

We’ll start off with defining what the Industrial Revolution was. The industrial revolution was a time in which the economy and the environment took a drastic change within Britain, and changed its society to commercial agriculture based to a modern society. The Industrial Revolution had one of the largest impacts on: transportation, industry, communication and agriculture. Throughout this time, factories and mines became widespread …show more content…

This caused the cholera epidemic from 1832 to 1834 due to civilians using the toxic water from rivers and canals for cooking and cleaning. About six thousand, five hundred and thirty-six people die. After that, there was another outbreak in London from 1848 to 1849, fourteen-thousand, one hundred and thirty-seven die. It was only discovered around twenty-two years after the first outbreak in London that cholera was a water borne disease. I’ll ask again- did the Industrial Revolution make the world a better place? At this time, acid rain was discovered for the first time in the mid nineteenth century. Robert Angus Smith, an English scientist named the term. This is a major concern for the environment, for acid rain is caused by atmospheric

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