
How Do Electric Vehicles Make A Sacrifice?

Decent Essays

Electric vehicles today are promoted as the precursor to an environmentally cleaner future. At the same time these vehicles are stylish and high performance, however they can be very expensive. Which means they are not attractive to the penniless, but only to the environmentally committed rich. Those who own an electric vehicle might brag to their families, friends, strangers about their sacrifice for the world, however, are they really making a sacrifice? The answer is “no”. In reality, today's electric vehicle is trading one environmental problem for the other. It doesn't matter if the vehicle itself does not release carbon dioxide while it's running; an electric vehicle is as clean as its power grid. Since most of the united states electricity …show more content…

According to Richard Rhodes 1 pound of Uranium is equivalent to 5000 barrels of oil. Indeed the equivalency is great. In addition, nuclear power is renewable with the breeder reactor which breeds plutonium and can recycle it over and over again. The potential for nuclear energy is very high, but is also very reliable, unlike sources of energy like wind and sun require sunlight and wind to produce electricity, nuclear plants can create electricity in rough weather conditions. Another benefit benefit of nuclear energy is that it is much safer and cleaner than most sources of energy including solar panels (Mark Lynas). For example, coal particulates, kill about 3000 people per year according to Gwyneth Cravens. Clean energy from these powerplants can make these vehicles truly clean since nuclear energy does not emit greenhouse unlike coal and natural …show more content…

When it comes to the electric vehicle its true potential lies in its power grid. For example, in a country whose power mostly comes from nuclear energy, the electric vehicle is truly green however in a country like the united states who derives most of its energy from coal and other fossil fuels, the electric car no longer serves its purpose. Not only is the power used to drive the car toxic but also the energy used to build it is made out of fossil fuels. Even though the electric vehicle is not truly green does not mean that it is a lost cause; there is plenty of room for improvement and time for the electric car to match its green

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