
How Does Blake Create Striking Images Used To Question Religion?

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William Blake's poem, "The Tyger," create striking images used to question religion and contrast good and evil. The Tyger could be inspiration, the divine, artistic creation, history, or vision itself.
Creating a imagery of fire evokes the fierceness and potential danger of the tiger, which itself represents what is evil or dreaded. "Tyger Tyger, burning bright… In the forests of the night," Blake begins, conjuring the image of a tiger's eyes burning in the darkness. "In what distant deeps or skies. … Burnt the fire of thine eyes?" he continues, before asking, "What the hand, dare seize the fire? ... In what furnace was thy brain?" Here, the image of a hand brings forth subsequent imagery of a creator. Someone or something is forging the …show more content…

"What immortal hand or eye, … Could frame thy fearful symmetry? ... On what wings dare he aspire?" Blake creates an image of an otherworldly, supernatural being. "And what shoulder, & what art,... Could twist the sinews of thy heart? ... What dread hand? & what dread feet? ... what dread grasp, … Dare its deadly terrors clasp!" These words conjure a being with terrible strength, one that might also harbor malicious intent. Blake uses images here to ask whether evil or good lies behind the creation of the fearsome tiger.
Blake uses imagery to question whether a beneficent God would create the tiger and, thus, other potential horrors in the world. "When the stars threw down their spears … And water'd heaven with their tears… Did he smile his work to see? … Did he who made the Lamb make thee?" Blake's images evoke the celestial sphere where the Christian creation began; the universe comes to life, and the hand of God creates the lamb a symbol of Christian sacrifice. Using this image, he asks whether this same hand could create the innocent lamb and the menacing the …show more content…

The description of its "Softest clothing wooly bright" is one of the most sensual images in the poem.The imagined lamb is addressed through being called "little," the lamb is domesticated and treated like a pet. The picture of The Lamb's feeding "by the stream and o'er the mead" is a beautiful one, which suggests God's kindness in creation, and has an echo of similar descriptions in the Old Testament book of Psalms and the parables of Jesus.
Blake reminds The Lamb, and us, that the God who made The Lamb, also is like The Lamb. As well as becoming a child of Jesus became known as The Lamb of God. Jesus was crucified during the Feast of the Passover when lambs were slaughtered in the temple at Jerusalem. Jesus appears as a Lamb with divine powers, who defeats the Anti-Christ and saves mankind. Blake's poem seems to be mainly about God's love shown in his care for The Lamb and the child that God became both child and Lamb in coming, as Jesus, into the

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