
How Does Holden React To Death In Catcher In The Rye

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One of the hardest parts of life is accepting the loss of a well-loved family member or friend. Although death happens in the span of only a few moments, the ghost of the memories linger long after the loss. In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden lost his younger brother Allie to leukemia when he was only thirteen. The rest of the novel details Holden’s travels through New York City before checking into a hospital for his mental health. Allie died years prior, but much of Holden's mindset as a sixteen year- old is drawn from his brother's death. J.D. Salinger's use of word choice, details, and symbols illustrate how loss can influence a person's ensuing mental outlook. Close inspection of the word choice used by a character can …show more content…

For instance, Holden Caulfield’s reaction to his younger brother Allie’s death connects to his attitude when he reacted to his roommate Stradlater. Holden says that “I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all the goddamn windows with my fist, just for the hell of it” (44). Since Holden dealt with Allie’s death using brute force and violence, he ended up missing his brother’s funeral because he had to go to the hospital. Even years later, Holden still reacts violently when confronted with other people. For instance, when Stradlater refuses to tell Holden what went on between him and Jane Gallagher during their date, Holden attacks him. Another detail that shows how Holden has been influenced by loss mentally is the fact that Holden got expelled from three schools. When Mr. Spencer asks how his parents will react, Holden responds, “they’ll be pretty irritated about it… this is about the fourth school I’ve gone to” (11).Almost immediately after the loss of Allie, Holden’s parents sent him away to a private school. It is evident that Holden hasn’t applied himself academically at these private schools; before he was expelled from Pencey Prep, he was failing all of his classes except English (13). The detail that Salinger provided not only reveals Holden’s performance in school, but also his mindset on school after the death of his brother. Overall, the particular details that Salinger includes provide insight on how previous losses impact one’s mental

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