
How Does Shakespeare Present The Theme Of Hamlet

Decent Essays


Shakespeare’s Hamlet is one of the most universally known plays of all time. Primarily, it is known for its strong themes, and its revolutionary storyline, containing subjects never frequently, or openly discussed before in plays of this kind, such as our conscience, spirit, and inner strength.
This play is about the prince of Denmark, Hamlet. His life is destroyed after Claudius, Hamlet’s uncle, murders his father, the King. Hamlet is heartbroken, but also seeks revenge. He feigns madness, so that he can say what he wants under this cover, and discover the truth behind his father’s death. In the process, he leaves his lover Ophelia, which drives her mad, and ends up drowning herself.
In this essay, I will be comparing the two recurring …show more content…

Hamlet was cognizant of the fact that she was spying on him for her father as well for Claudius, and exacted revenge on all three of them: the king and her father (the king’s confidant) for ordering her to spy on him, and on Ophelia, for betraying his trust, and siding with the false king. This circumstance contributes a great deal to the story, as does it reinforce the theme of revenge in the story.
Ophelia’s poignant suicide (or accidental death) might also be a source of sorrow for Hamlet, as he often states throughout the play that he loves her. Gertrude (Hamlet’s mother) describes her as having dies naturally, maybe having fallen accidentally into the river, but had not made an effort to save herself. Even in death she is seen as beautiful, and it is a doleful reminder that all things, even beautiful, have an ephemeral time on this …show more content…

The death of Laertes, an innocent person unaware of the king and Hamlet’s situation is unfortunate, and most notably, Hamlet’s death is a tragedy, because all he tried to do throughout the whole story was to avenge his father. Tragedy is very much present in this part of the play, and can very much be considered as the main theme.

Thus, Shakespeare’s play Hamlet uses both themes of revenge and tragedy, as they are both used in the main parts of the story. It is up to the reader if he or she wants to interpret this story as a tragedy or revenge, but it is most probably a mix between the two. Hamlet was, and is still a titanic part of our culture, and literary history, and will most likely still be analyzed in the future for its rich, and convoluted plot. Hamlet is a unique piece of literature, and will be regarded for a long time as one of the treasures of English

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