
How Does Shakespeare Use Forgiveness In Hamlet

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In the face of dissension, one faces an emotional contradiction in resolving the matter: forgive, and progress as a person, or exact revenge, and experience blissful satisfaction. In Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet, he examines the lives of Denmark royalty after the murder of their king at his brother’s hands. The play is wrought with revenge, and begs the eternal struggle of revenge versus forgiveness. Essentially, Hamlet shows forgiveness as being preferable to revenge through the use of situational irony. Every character in Hamlet experiences a wrongdoing at the hands of another, and attempts to avenge themselves, only to induce pain on themselves later on.
Throughout the play, each character that is wronged and makes the decision to exact revenge, instead of seeking forgiveness. The instinctual desire to exact revenge contradicts with the social construction of forgiveness. When the ghost of Hamlet’s father tells him he was unjustly murdered, Hamlet instantly takes on the burden of avenging him. He says, “Haste me to know ‘t, that I, with wings as swift/As meditation or the thoughts of love/May sweep to my revenge.” (I.v.63) Hamlet never considers the possibility of forgiveness, and his decision acts as a catalyst for the turmoil experienced by each character. This isn’t to say that Hamlet is …show more content…

But heaven hath pleased it so/To punish me with this and this with me/That I must be their scourge and minister.” (III.v.x) Hamlet does realize the pain his vengeance is causing, but feels

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