
How It Can Go Wrong – Key Lessons to Learn from Is/It Strategy Implementation

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How it can go wrong - key lessons to learn from IS/IT Strategy implementation Table of Contents

Introduction..................................................................................................................... 3 The implementation process ............................................................................................ 4 1. 2. 3. Begin with a feasible IS /IT strategy which aligned with the business strategy ......... 4 Organisational fit ..................................................................................................... 4 Employ a Change Management process to deal with resultant organisational issues …show more content…

1. Begin with a feasible IS /IT strategy which aligned with the business strategy The developers of the failed computerization of the London Ambulance Service (LAS) 1992 had no experience building dispatch systems and failed to address the risks associated with the development process (Fitzgerald and Russo 2005). A well formulated IS /IT strategy, produced via a methodical approach, fully cognizant of the business objectives, is an essential prerequisite for successful implementation. Additionally it is mandatory that there is an implementation plan to guide deployment. Earl (1993) advocates collaboration among IT professionals, users and senior management (Ward and Peppard 2003). Tighe (LAS IT Director) stated user’s views were ignored and simple issues were overlooked (Meere 2006). A good IS /IT strategy must have clear realistic goals, be flexible (Cadle and Yeates 2004), viable in terms of business risks (Ward and Peppard 2003) and be driven by good leadership. It is essential to have a contingency plan in event of failure especially in critical cases. Sufficient emphasis must be placed on deliverables and having clear milestones. The benefits of the IS/IT strategy should be unambiguous and well articulated, NSW created numerous specifications making tracking and creditable measurement laborious and time consuming (Southon et al. 1999). 2. Organisational fit This essay combines an open system perspective and normative concept of fit

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