
How It Feels To Be Colored Me Essay

Decent Essays

“How It Feels to Be a Colored Me”
The essay “How It Feels to Be Me” by Zora Neale Hurston was written to make known her life of a young colored girl who lived in Eatonville, Florida. Zora, who grew up in an almost exclusively black town, had no problem with a person’s race, including her own. As a matter a fact, she preferred being colored. She says “It’s thrilling to think – to know that for any act of mine, I shall get twice as much praise or twice as much blame.” In Zora’s mind, the color of a person’s skin is merely that, nothing else. Towards the end, she elaborates more on her perspective of race. She refers to each race as a colored bag and herself a brown bag. Zora explains that each bag possesses its own content, which represents characteristics …show more content…

As she says in her text “My personal goal in my public life is to try to replace the old pervasive stereotypes and myths about Latinas with a much more interesting set of realties.” Also, anyone feeling the pressure or anger of stereotypical judgment brought on by society due to the media or ignorant minds would be interested in this essay. Throughout the essay she shares moments in her life where someone has taken her to be something that she is not because of the way she looked or talked and how she positively handled every situation. Anyone who has been in her situation or anything similar might also have found her stories useful and applicable to their personal lives.
By the time the reader has finished reading this essay the author hopes she has established a universal truth which will push her audience to look past not only her own but the skin color, accent, or clothes, but that of any Latin American women. Once this essay has been read, the author calls her readers to look past passes he physical features and to shoo away any misconstrued ideas of her or any other Latinas from stereotypes or unpopular beliefs and to replace them with relevant realities and opinions which were fairly

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