
How To Write An Essay About The Battle Of Bataan

Decent Essays

The Battle of Bataan: The Japanese Arrive What brought America into World War II was the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Immediately after the attack, The Japanese began its many attacks on the the Philippines because it was property of the United States. After these air attacks, the Japanese fourteenth army invaded the Philippine island of Luzon on December 12 1941. A larger attack, on December 22, 1941, followed in the Lingayen Gulf. The lieutenant of the Japanese 14th army was General Masaharu Homma. The attack consisted of 43,000 Japanese soldiers. The Japanese army was able to push back the Northern Luzon Force, commanded by Major General Jonathan Wainwright. General Douglas Macarthur was the commander of the Philippine army after being appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt because of his successful contributions in the past. General MacArthur initiated War Plan Orange , which was the retreat of the United States and the Philippine Army troops to the Bataan Peninsula if the japanese could not be held back. General Macarthur began moving the supplies to the Bataan Peninsula and General George M. Parker was in charge of preparing the defenses of the peninsula. As the week passed, Wainwright’s men were getting gradually …show more content…

Many of the Philippine troops had very little equipment, such as no guns or even shoes. They were not very well trained either. At the beginning of the attack, they tried to move as much supplies as they could from the Lingayen Gulf to Bataan, but they were low in transportation. Many veterans, such as Edwin Ramsey, described the situation as disorganized and chaotic. Edwin Ramsey said, “You don’t know what to expect yourself-- whether or not you’re going to be afraid, whether you're going to be able to stand up to it or not. So there’s a great deal in the beginning that is simply chaotic, and as a matter of fact, war is sort of controlled

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