
Hubble Space Observation

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SECTION A: RESEARCH SUMMARY (200 words minimum)
This article written in the Astrobiology Magazine on August 1, 2015 describes the efforts of the teams of the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, and the Hubble Space Telescope in finding a planet that is similar to Jupiter in orbit size and distance from its star, but the size of Uranus. Both of the teams have made their confirmations of the Uranus-like plant, OGLE-2005-BLG-169Lb in the star system OGLE-2005-BLG-169 independently through the method of gravitational microlensing.
Microlensing is the transitory alignment of a foreground star with a background star, which in turn intensifies the light from the background star. This can also occur if planets of the foreground star align with the background star, but this occurrence lasts for a shorter amount of time. This takes advantage of the seemingly random motion of stars, as the small movements cause the gravity of the fore star to act as a lens magnifying the light of the star behind it. Analysts observe the time of the alignment, alongside changes in the amount of light magnification to find and conclude important facts about the fore star and its system.
The star OGLE-2005-BLG-169, discovered in 2005 through microlensing, was further examined by two teams of astronomers, at Keck …show more content…

These images were taken with the Wide Field Camera 3, which allowed the team of astronomers to confirm the mass and distance of the planet-star system. The Wide Field Camera 3 is a camera on the Hubble Space Telescope that is capable of taking image in high resolution and can detect a multitude of light waves from infrared light to ultraviolet light. The camera has a large field of view, and two channels that detect the different waves of light (‘Wide-Field Camera

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