
Kelt 9b Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Rahkym Anderson

Scientists found a new plant that has this star that’s so hot that they disbelieve there could be any molecules living on this planet named “Kelt-9b”. The founders go to the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio the team tells us how this planet is three times bigger than Jupiter, and the star that lives as its next door neighbor is nearly twice as hot as our own sun. The planet moves around the sun like star every one and a half earth days one side of the planet is locked into a face to face with the star which makes the face of Kelt-9b be around 7,820 degrees Fahrenheit. For a long time scientists have been focused on finding small planets by cool stars because technology today it’s easier to study atmospheres of planets potentially find …show more content…

Even though researches have detected plenty of planets orbiting other stars, half that they found are hot, A-type star are hot but B-type stars are even hotter. The A stars are the brightest stars in the sky most of the stars you know by: Sirius, Vega, Altair, etc.,” says Marc Kuchner whose an astrophysicist at NASA Goddard Flight Center. Our sun is a G-type star, which pretty middle-of-the-road in terms of temperature. If you go outside at night most of the stars you will see is hotter than the sun, more telescopes or getting built with off-the-shelf technology the team hopes to do follow-up studies using the scope such as Hubble and Spitzer that way they can truly study a planet und extreme conditions. Jonathan Fortney at the University of California, Santa Crus, says “The most interesting question is how warm is the night side of planet Kelt-9b might be,” but He notes that Kelt-9b surface temp. is so unusual that he wasn’t able to analyze using his regular computer

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