
Proxima Centauri: Red Dwarf Star

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This article discusses a new planet that could end up supporting life. This new planet is called Proxima b because it orbits a star called Proxima Centauri. Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf star. Red dwarfs are composed of “a cloud of dust and gas that is drawn together by gravity and begins rotating.” (Reed, 2016) They are called dwarfs because they only weigh “7.5 to 50 percent of the mass of the sun.” (Reed, 2016) Since these stars are small, they only reach up to 6,380 degrees Fahrenheit. Red dwarf stars can last trillions of years. “Their limited light and heat meant that the habitable zone-the region where liquid water could form, and thus life would be considered most likely to evolve.” (Reed, 2016) Proxima Centauri is an example of

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