
Human Resources Management: The Evolution Of Human Resource Management

Decent Essays

Human Resource Management:

Human Resource Management is the management of organization’s personnel or human resources.

It can also be described as the complete set of managerial tasks and actions concerned with maintaining a trained staff (personnel) and human resource that contribute to organizational effectiveness.

Evolution of Human Resource Management:

Stage-I: Pre-world war-ii era and Rising Personnel Management:

Emergence of the Term “Personnel”:

Personnel Management can draw back to ancient times, when tribal members assigned for specific jobs of hunting or gathering and there were employment tests to identify special talents in servants for particular jobs. They had trainee system to train their new appointed servants. At that …show more content…

E.g. Cadbury does the same at its Bourneville factory. During the First World-War, the trend of employing women in factories and offices lead to the concept “Welfare Officers”.

Record keeping:

In 20th century and before 2nd World War, the personnel function were basically involved in keeping the record of employee information which includes name, address, contact number and the employment history. There were no computerized systems to keep the records of the employees and the firms keep paper records. Still many small firms practice paper record Human Resource Systems today.

Influence of Government:

Due to the influence of the government in employee relations, all employment activities i.e. employee terms, conditions and practices left to the proprietor of the company. After this, practices such as child labor and unsafe working conditions prevailed and were very common.

Summary of Pre World War-2 era:

Following issues were aroused before World War 2.

• Treatment of HR as Personnel
• Personnel management were treated as independent and separate function of organization
• Organizations attention towards employee benefit programs
• Organizations focused more on record keeping about HR
• They emphasized less on employee

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