
I Have Abide By The Uncg Academic Honor Code Essay

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I have abide by the UNCG Academic Honor Code in writing this paper
Greta Scalco, RN Interview of a Nurse Leader A leader can be defined as a person who has the ability to influence people to achieve certain goals. According to Marcus & Huston (2015), it is very important to understand that a job title does not make a person a leader. Only a person’s behavior can tell us if he/she holds leadership role (p 34). To be a leader, a person must be able to be in front of everybody, taking risks, inspiring other’s actions, advocating for others. The next interview will underline how the manager on medical-surgical floor is working to achieve a better quality of work on her unit, and also, how she is leading her staff in maintaining a safety environment for the patients and for the staff, too. It is well known that teamwork brings the most satisfying results. Therefore, in order to implement a plan, a leader must have a united and dedicated team. The interview started with a very common question., to what extent this manager, as a nurse leader ensures nursing staff on the unit support patient centered care of individuals and families whose values differ from their own. If there are some barriers to ensure nursing staff support patient centered care, and how she as a nurse leader can improve patient centered care in her unit. Her plan seems to be very interesting and can be used as a model for other units. She said: “We maintain the same expectations and standard of care

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