
Illegal Immigration Is The United States

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The Unites States is founded on immigrants from every part of the world. According to the Migration Policy Institute, the United States attracts the largest number of immigrants in the world (MPI, Webpage). In 2013, the United States has approximately 41.3 million of immigrants, accounting for 13 percent of the overall population (Betalova, 2015). However, not all of the immigrants here in the United States does the right thing, a lot of them come to the country illegally and for a variety of reasons this is a bad thing. These immigrants have come into the country numerous ways and continue to cause controversy. People can all agree that immigration is an ongoing issue that needs to be addressed. However, before addressing this issue, people need to learn more about this situation.
Illegal immigration is the act of living in a country without government permission. The number of illegal immigrants in the United States has been increasing tremendously over the years. There were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S in 2004 and Mexicans makeup half of all unauthorized immigrants (Passel, 2015). They come here to escape poverty, to work and give their families a promising future. Most unauthorized residents either entered the United States without inspection or were admitted temporarily and stayed past the date they were required to leave (Vang, 2012). A foreign person may come into this country legally through a work visa which entitles a person to live and work in

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