
Essay on Ilm Developing Yourself and Others

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Section 1: Know how to identify development needs 1.1 Identify own learning style(s) and the learning style(s) of another team member To identify the learning and development style of myself and a team member we both completed a Multiple Intelligence (MI) test developed by Howard Gardner. After completion of the test on myself I have discovered that I have a learning style of Logical – Mathematical, with a majority score of 37, closely followed by Interpersonal with a score of 32, (see Appendix 1). People who are strong in logical-mathematical intelligence are good at reasoning, recognising patterns and logically analyse problems. These individuals tend to think conceptually about numbers, relationships and patterns. …show more content…

Strengths: * A willingness to learn * Always happy to help others * Quick learner * Can work at a quick pace * Good IT skills (Excel / Word) | Weaknesses: * Not always very confident with others * Need to have confidence in my answers, so I don’t need to check I am doing things correctly * Stress easily under pressure * Works too quickly at times and make trivial mistakes | Opportunities: * Take work from others to learn new roles * Study AAT * In-house training with colleagues. * Shadow colleagues to learn new roles * Read policies / bulletins / news to keep up to date with rules and regulations * Customer Service courses | Threats: * Not enough time to learn new tasks due to busy office environment * Not enough funding to pay for training * Training too expensive to pay from personal income * Confidence | After completing the SWOT for me and Jane the following development needs were identified: * Myself – Leadership & Management Training; HR development training; Health & Safety development * Jane – Customer

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