
My Learning Style Inventory

Satisfactory Essays

After completing the assessment, the inventory concludes that my learning style is predominantly feeling and concrete experiences. For concrete experience, my score of 43 reveals my passion to learn information that I believe is relevant for myself. Subsequently, scoring 34 for active experimentation indicates my preference for applying and testing ideas to understand a concept. Additionally, scoring 25 for reflective observation reveals how I learn concepts through observing others complete a task. Scoring 18 for abstract conceptualization indicates how my learning style does not depend on facts and figure. With all of these learning styles, my graph illustrates strong areas in mode 4 and 1, however, it is immensely low in mode 2 and 1. Overall, my results showcase that I belong in mode 4 learning. The learning style inventory is accurate as it reveals that my strongest learning style is concrete experience. This …show more content…

In the learning style assessment, my score of 34 for active experimentation learning shocks me as I do not learn well through hands on experience such as lab work. However, after reading an in-depth analysis on active experimentation learning style, I understand how it affects me as I prefer testing out ideas to see what works in in order to understand a learning concept. The learning style inventory demonstrates that mode 3 and 2 are my weaknesses. This reveals that I lack in understanding how theory affects my daily life as well as asking questions in order to understand a concept. To improve in mode 3, I need to start setting goals for myself. I can accomplish this by creating a goal map to see the goals I want to achieve, such as joining a new club, and tracking my progress. In mode 2, I need to supplement any assigned text with other books such as business magazines and articles. As a result, I will understand the key points in my

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