
Immigration Between 1900 And 1900

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Immigration is changing
First off, the transportation we had is different and the methods of transportation are to. We can easily cure the common cold, but it was harder back in the early 1900’s. If it was the same we wouldn’t have advanced very much from the early 1900’s. We now have faster transportation to bring in immigrants faster and so we can bring in more because they have a less chance of dying than in the early 1900’s.
Immigration Then
Early 1900’s, People all over the world decided to immigrate, escaping from crop failure, lack of land and job, food, and rising taxes many came to the U.S.A because it was thought as the land of opportunity. Other people came seeking freedom or relief from politics and freedom from prosecution. Before the Great Depression immigration was only at 3.5 million and after the Great Depression immigration went all the way up to 9 million in the first century. Some immigrants want freedom and that is why they immigrate to the United States. Some people want better jobs that don’t relate to citizens.
Immigration Today …show more content…

By the decades the number of immigrants doubles, triples and quadruples going one up the scale each decade.” Most people immigrate for “economic opportunity”. Most of the people that immigrated for “economic opportunities” are women with 41% and men with 37%. The second highest reason people immigrate is for a better life for their family. 36% of woman immigrate for a better life and 40% of men immigrate to look for a better life. The number of legal immigrants arrested in 2017 increased by 250 percent, up to 13,600 compared to 5,498 in 2016. “Immigrant population hit a record of 43.7 million in July 2016” Today we need skilled workers and some immigrants did not immigrate to become a skilled worker. They might have immigrated because they wanted to find a good home or a better

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