
Immigration Reform In Today's Immigrants

Decent Essays

According to U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services, in the year 1906, the month of June 29th, President Theodore Roosevelt approved a reformed that caused significant changes in immigration in the United States. That reform is called the Naturalization Act of 1906 which again, changed the immigration reform in the U.S. That law provided immigrants an opportunity to gain a U.S citizenship. But as of today how the terrorist or other things that are happening in the U.S is causing a big problem in becoming a U.S citizen. As of this society, to become a U.s citizen today is more difficult than it was in the back then. But, as of that law, today’s immigrants may have the opportunity to become a U.S citizen. But, what does it take for an immigrant …show more content…

Once of those two requirements is met, the immigrant must fill out a form called N-400. Once the N-400, is filled out, the next process that must take next is the Home Land Security requires the applicants to be fingerprinted and be photographed for the purpose of conducting any criminal background check. Once all the N-400, fingerprinted, photographed, the criminal background check is completed, the applicant will be notified to schedule an interview with the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services. The U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services will set up an appointment and the applicant’s duty is to report to the nearest U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services facility on the date and time of the applicant’s appointment notice. Fail on not attending to the interview may add several months to naturalize the process in obtaining the citizen. According to Legal Zoom, once the applicant has filed their N-400, fingerprinted, photographed, checked their criminal background is completed and has completed their interview, and within 60 to 90 days, now the applicant has to complete a test known as the “Civics Test.” According to Immigration Terra, this Civics Test is one or the last final step to becoming a U.S citizen. This test is not a kind of simple, easy answerable question. During the test, the applicant will be asked 10 questions out of the 100 and must answer at least 6 answers correctly. If an applicant fails to not answer 6 answers correctly, the applicant may retake to test but must wait a couple months and pay additional

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