
Immigration Vs Illegal Immigration Essay

Decent Essays

Blog Post 1 Immigration is constantly the subject of debate among Americans. Is it wrong or is it right? Should they stay or should they go? The fact of the matter is approximately 10.8 million undocumented immigrants are currently in the United States who either entered illegally or entered legally on a temporary visa/green card but have overstayed. A lot of people leave there home countries in search of a better life. In the eyes of immigrants the United States is viewed as the land of hope, everyone is in search of the “American dream”. Some United States citizens view immigrants as a threat to their security due to the past terrorist attacks and crime rates among immigrants but in all actuality U.S. born adult male citizens are incarcerated over two-and-a-half times greater than that of immigrants/foreign born men.
The biggest problem that people seem to have with immigrants whether legal or illegal is …show more content…

Due to the high numbers of immigrants in the nation. Deportation rates are also high. Deporting immigrants cost the government a lot of money so usually it is better to just let them stay, there are better ways the United States can put their money to use besides illegal immigrants. Deporting law abiding undocumented parents with children who are US citizens if anything puts a huge burden on our system because we the citizens will then have to pay out of our pockets for those children to be in foster care or pay adoptive parents subsidies so that they can raise the children. Deportations cost American citizens a cost of nearly $26,000 per year for each child that is left unattended. Also due to the fact that most deportations are male these create a large number of single mothers struggling to make ends meet” after the deportations of their husbands. Innocent children and their parents live in constant fear of separation and because of fears of deportation, children grow up afraid of the

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