
Impact Of Mental Health Issues In Australia

Decent Essays

Mental health issues are a growing factor in our society and it affects the person suffering mentally but also affect those around them. Mental illnesses include depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, in which every one in five Australians will experience a mental health issue. The impacts of mental illnesses can be categorised as social, emotional and physical.

Only one in four Australians seek help in their teenage years, others let it build up until it starts to take over their life. Those who do not seek help for their mental issues often find it difficult to find a stable job which is caused by their troubles of interacting with other people. Those who have problems interacting with other people often withdraw from friends and family isolating themselves and drowning themselves in their own thoughts, allowing the mental illness to get worse. …show more content…

A lowering self-esteem can lead to declining academic results which then decreases their job opportunites causing the person to suffer from severe depression which can lead to detrimental outcomes like self harm, suicide and engaging in risk taking behaviour. Suicidal thoughts causes high suicide rates in the early to mid

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