
Implementing A Integrated Customer Relationship Management

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[7] Implementing a fully integrated Customer Relationship Management offers significant benefits for enterprises, • Streamlining the business process – this improves effectiveness in an efficient manner • Increased customer satisfaction as the CRM primary focus is for building the relationship of an enterprise with its customer base • Focus of the organization implementing a CRM system would be consistent • Maximizing the opportunities through various modes of communication and marketing with customers and a growth in customer base • Help find key points by analyzing customer information, ticketing/problem statements • Reduce costs, wastage and complaints Organizations accept CRM as a strategic focus medium for integrating fully with customers and help in the management and decision making process appropriately. 3.3 CRM Planning process For any organization to implement a successful CRM is by having a collective and unified vision from board executives, stake holders to operational personnel. The organization and the customers have conditions when building relationships, Organizations need to increase profits and hold its customer base whereas Customers need a quality product with good service and an acceptable price. Objectives for organizations to build customer relationships [8]: • determine mutually satisfying goals between organization and customers • establish and maintain customer rapport • produce positive feelings in the organization and the customers The

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