
Inclusive Education : The Benefits Of Inclusion In The Classroom

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A lot of people do not agree with inclusion in classrooms. They say, “the disabled student might be disruptive” or “the other students might get upset when the teacher has to slow down for the disabled student.” All students have their right to an education, whether it be inclusive or not. If a student is disruptive, the teacher should be able to handle it. Although people think inclusion has many disadvantages, there are far more advantages and benefits for all students, teachers, families and even for communities. Since everyone can benefit from inclusion, we as society should make schools and communities inclusive. Better social skills are just one of the many benefits for a student with disabilities in an inclusive classroom. The student gains these by talking to students that are different from them and “by feeling happy for being part of a regular community” (Inclusive Education: A Renaissance). Students get to interact with all types of students, which helps them with their understanding of the world they live in. Social skills are important for all students, and being able to communicate with all different types of people will be crucial when it comes time for employment. The students are also able to observe how the other students in their classroom communicate with one another and eventually pick up on those skills. In a study conducted by Wiener and Tardif, they found that students in an inclusive setting “were more accepted by their peers, had

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