
The Importance of Inclusive Education in Australia Essay

Decent Essays

As a child It was constantly stated to me by my family and teachers “If everyone was the same, what a boring place the world would be” a famous quote by an unknown author about celebrating individual differences. Difference is defined by Ashman and Elkins; as varying levels of social, emotional, physical and intellectual qualities that make us all different from other people (Ashman & Elkins, 2009). In today’s world this is viewed as society’s version of normality (Ashman & Elkins, 2009). Inclusion involves the incorporation of all types of differences into a mainstream classroom (Ashman & Elkins, 2009).

It is unfortunate that even in the 21st century that the policies and legislations related to inclusive education are different …show more content…

In my opinion the education departments are not doing enough to encourage schools and explain to the teachers the benefits of inclusion to both the children with disabilities and the rest of the students (Ashman & Elkins, 2009). Children are our future and it is important that through inclusion they learn to understand that differences make us who we are. I think it also further teachers the message to booth the children and the rest of the community that of social justice which says just because your different doesn’t mean you don’t deserve fair treatment (Ashman & Elkins, 2009).

Through my theoretical and small practical understanding of inclusive education I will be embracing the concept and practice of inclusion through the use of the term Curriculum Differentiation, which is all about arranging the classroom learning environment to be more suitable for students of all types, abilities and learning capacities to have the chance to reach their own individual maximum potentials (Carpenter, 2010). Through researching and learning about inclusion I have come to believe and agree with the statement of “Diversity not Deficit” when teaching in an inclusive school or classroom (Queensland Government, 2005). This statement reflects my own personal philosophy of inclusive education, as it pushes my strong belief that education is about not seeing any of the students, their families or the

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