
Understanding and Using Inclusive Teaching and Learning Approaches in Education and Training

Decent Essays

Understanding and Using Inclusive Teaching and Learning Approaches in Education and Training 1.1. Inclusive learning is about recognising that all your students have the right to be treated equally and fairly, have the same access to all products, services and have the opportunity to be involved and included. As a teacher you need to be aware that all students are not the same as they all do not learn in the same way, the ways in which a teacher can overcome this is using the Teaching and Learning Cycle, using visual, auditory and kinaesthetic materials (VAK) and agreeing on individual learning plans (ILPs). Other features could include self reflective exercises, quizzes and providing opportunities for students to reflect on their own …show more content…

Once the students have completed the lesson, they can use all of the skills out of the classroom and into their everyday life. 2.1. Creating an inclusive learning environment benefits all students to enable effective learning to take place. The environment in which you are teaching the subject can sometimes be restricted but teaching can take place anywhere not necessarily just in a classroom, for example, colleges, learning centres, the workplace, prisons are to name just a few. When teaching you would need to consider the venue, rooms and resources but also your attitude and support as this can also have an impact on the students in which they will learn. 2.2. It is important to select a number of teaching and learning approaches as individuals can face a number of barriers causing them difficulty to learn. Maslows (1987) Hierarchy of Needs shows that if all five aspects of this theory are met, which are, self actualisation, self esteem recognition, safety/security and physiological it creates a healthy environment for learners to progress and achieve their goal. 2.3. Motivation is what causes us to act, it is either intrinsic (from within) which means to learn for your own fulfilment or extrinsic (from without) which means they may be an external factor motivating the learner. To help motivate learners you can set targets, be professional, create interesting and relevant tasks or activities, engage students and give them the opportunity to

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