
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Work with Children

Decent Essays

Unit 204 Outcome 3 What is meant by Inclusive and Inclusion Practice? Inclusive practice is identifying and understanding any barriers that are stopping children from completing the activity. We have to make sure that whatever the child’s background they are able to fully join in with everything within the school. This will make the children feel valued and have a sense of belonging. Inclusion does not mean that we view each other the same or provide the same work, it is about making sure we are making adaptions to the activity instead of making a child do a completely different activity and make sure we are providing the same opportunities. We need to take on board and accept that the child is different. Medical model of …show more content…

Sean noticed one of the children, Jamie, sitting at the side just watching and asked where his model was. Kira’s reply was that because of his disability (cerebral palsy), Jamie had difficulty in using the tools and materials. She said that she asks him to read a book during the art and craft lesson. Suggest how Jamie might feel – Jamie would feel left out, upset and wandering why he is being left out. He might feel embarrassed or

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