
Inequality In Animal Farm Essay

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Inequality in the Military Draft: Why Aren’t Women Included?
Inequality is a prevalent issue found in many forms—in literature, in the past, and even in our society today. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, inequality between the pigs and the animals—the two classes that eventually form within Animal Farm—is the primary evidence that it has become a totalitarian society. While Orwell is addressing inequality between different classes in his novel, he also acknowledges that inequality itself is a significant social issue—including inequality between men and women. Although this has largely been resolved in terms of legal matters, the most significant legal difference between men and women is a difference that affects a multitude of lives—that is, the military draft. Long-resolved gender stereotypes cause only men to be registered for the draft, while women face no such problem. Even though critics contend that increased sexual harassment will occur if women are forced to join the military, this will not happen because of strength in numbers and respect they gain from their peers. In order for complete equality between the genders, women should be registered for the military draft because the law prohibiting women from registering in the draft does not uphold society’s current beliefs and because women have the legal same rights as men, but fewer responsibilities.
First of all, the law prohibiting women from registering in the draft does not uphold with the current societal norm.

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