
Inevitable Fate In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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One's character and actions leads to their downfall, an inevitable fate. William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a story about teenagers who fall in love, despite that their families despise each other. In the end, the two lovers kill themselves for each other. Their lives seem to revolve around fate and that they were destined to meet each other, and die. Through the romantic tragedy Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare shows fate is inevitable through foreshadowing and the actions of characters. Shakespeare first shows this theme through foreshadowing in the prologue. The prologue of Romeo and Juliet summarizes the play to the audience, so there is a sense of dramatic irony. It addresses the deaths of Romeo and Juliet and the conflict between …show more content…

This quote is important because it mentions destiny and sets the structure of the play. Romeo and Juliet are described here as star-crossed lovers. They are lovers whose destinies are to fall in love and eventually die. The prologue seems to be a written summary of the doomed destiny of Romeo and Juliet. Throughout the whole play, Romeo and Juliet, in defiance of their attempts to change their destiny, end up following their fate described in the prologue. The fate of these two teenagers is written in the prologue, in the very beginning of the play. Following the prologue comes the story of Romeo and Juliet, who go to great extents to stay together. No matter what choices they make, they are moving along the structure of the play mentioned in the prologue the whole time. The audience may hope that Romeo and Juliet defy destiny or what was learned from the prologue, but the two lovers cannot avoid their end. In another example of fate being shown in foreshadowing, Romeo talks of a dream he had before he goes to Capulet’s party. “I fear too early, for my mind misgives, some consequence yet hanging in the stars shall bitterly begin his fearful date, with this night’s

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