
Insanity And Insanity In Hamlet

Decent Essays

Hamlet’s Sanity
Insanity can be defined as a mental illness that causes a person to have difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality. Whether Shakespeare’s Hamlet was insane or feigning insanity is a controversial topic. Gregory Shafer argues that Hamlet is not insane and that he uses insanity or madness for his own political purposes (42). In William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, Prince Hamlet’s circumstances force him to seek revenge for the murder of his father King Hamlet. He creates a plan that he believes will give him an opportunity to kill Claudius, and the main part of this plan involves him faking insanity. Further and further into the book, his actions of a madman become more believable. However through his thoughts and actions it is clear that he is not truly insane, and his is only acting in this way in order to reach is ultimate goal of revenge.
Acting crazy allows Hamlet to say and do things that he otherwise would not be allowed to do.This is evident when he is talking to Horatio and Marcellus and asks them not to tell anyone about his plan(1.5.192). Faking insanity also made him more bold. This is evident by the way he speaks to Gertrude, Ophelia, and Polonius in a disrespectful way. In the book he also makes a lot of sexual jokes towards Ophelia such as, That’s a fair thought to lie between maids legs (3.2.125).
As well as that, Hamlet’s madness is used as an excuse. He does not have to answer any questions people may have about why he is acting weird which gives him more time to continue plotting to hurt Claudius. His objective was to appear crazy and make it believable, and in doing so it makes him appear even smarter. Hamlet acts like himself and only acts insane when it is necessary. When he talks to Horatio about watching Claudius for signs of guilt he says “Give him heedful note, for I mine eyes will rivet his face, and, after, we will both our judgments join in censure of his seeming (3.2.87)”. The way he speaks makes it clear that he is perfectly fine. Horatio is one of the only people he does not need to feine insanity to. As well as that,when he is explaining to the players how to act, he asks “You could, for a need, study a speech of some dozen or sixteen lines, which I would

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