
Iran And Turkey After World War I: A Comparative Analysis

Decent Essays

Compare and contrast the modernization attempts made by Iran and Turkey post World War I?

The Modernization efforts undertaken by the leadership of Iran and Turkey after World War I share numerous similarities across ideological, and social lines. Both countries shared and benefitted from strong social identities, and resistance to outside influence. While these countries were unified using comparable methods, they were also exploited to further the individual goals of both countries? respective leaders.
Both leaders that arose in the aftermath of World War I had earned their reputations, and status as military leaders. Mustafa Kemal had trained at various military academies and was known for his military leadership during the Gallipoli campaign. The man who would become the leader of Iran was then known as Reza Khan, a Turkish-speaking commander of the Cossack brigade tasked with maintaining the British ?buffer state? in Persia. These two men would rise through the ranks of their respective countries and attempt to create ?Westernized? societies while mitigating Arab traditions and identities.
Mustafa Kamel and Reza Shah (as Kahn was now known) would create a ?Westernized? society by utilizing blueprints of European governments. Gelvin writes; ?In addition to adopting the standard policies any leader interested in …show more content…

While Islamic modernists sought a balance between Islamic culture, and Western ideas, these two leaders sought to enact Western identity on their individual countries. Gelvin identifies a flaw in this theory with the following comment; ?Kemal and Shah sought to impose a model for modernity borrowed directly from Western experience.? (Page 211) Rather than formulating their own plan and incorporating what works with Arab society, these two leaders tried to impose the complete Western style while attempting to minimalize Arab identity, clothing, customs, and religious

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