
Irrational Decisions In Romeo And Juliet

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Destiny, something we determine or is your fate already set in stone? Pity and tragedy words used to describe William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet for hundreds of years. The play was tragic in the end, but Romeo and Juliet's last breaths were the cause of their own irrational decisions. Love or lust, one drives the story of Romeo and Juliet all the way to tragic end. In act one scene two in the streets of Verona, Benvolio, Romeo's cousin, tries to convince Romeo to go to the Capulet's party to find another woman and forget his old love, Rosaline. Finally, Romeo agrees and tells his cousin Benvolio, "I'll go along, no such sight to be shown, But to rejoice in splendor of mine own." When Romeo agrees to go to the party he has just chosen to affect his future based on the decision. He has agreed to take the risk of angering the Capulet's and whatever consequences come with angering them. Romeo determines that based on what happens at the party will choose what happens next in his life. Romeo left the party not only leaving the Capulets angered, but also left him rebounding with Juliet, because of hi old love, Rosaline. …show more content…

In act two scene six in the cell of Friar Lawrence, Romeo and the Friar are waiting for Juliet and her nurse to arrive to marry Romeo and Juliet. While waiting for Juliet, the Friar tells Romeo, "So smile the heavens upon this holy act, That after hours with sorrow chide us not!" As the Friar says this he was not only blessing Romeo and Juliet's marriage, but in a way he jinx the marriage. The Friar agreeing to marry them decided the future of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence chose to help Romeo and Juliet which was his own personal choice. Romeo and Juliet were very rushed which has affected their future

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