
Is Social Security Reform Really Necessary? Essay

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Is Social Security Reform Really Necessary?

For many years the social security program has been operating successfully. In recent times however, it is becoming apparent to some that social security is in need of reform. Their argument is that with the amount of people getting older in the next couple of decades, there will not be enough money left in the social security reserves to pay for everyone who needs it. That is why the idea of separating social security up into private funds has been brought to the attention of the American citizens. This idea of reform has been around for quite a long time; however it has been pushed on by pro reform supporters more in recent times because they think it is necessary for the …show more content…

It is kind of a cycle that keeps on going, and it adjusts accordingly to inflation and population changes and so on. But there are those who think that it is not going to hold up and the reserves will be depleted in the future as baby boomers get older. This is not true at all because as there are more people needing it, the inflation rate will also go up, giving everybody a chance to receive the benefits of social security.

Those who think that privatizing social security will benefit the citizens who receive it are very wrong. The reason that they think that it will affect social security is because by creating private accounts, it will cause the separate interest rates for the individual person to go up or down depending on the person. This of course is unnecessary because the way it is set up right now, the individuals are receiving benefits that work for the certain situation that the person is in. Many retired citizens are not in financial crisis because of this setup, because there is nothing that is wrong with it. In the last couple of decades social security has completely transformed the way that elderly citizens in our country live their lives. According to Mortimer Zuckerman “roughly two thirds of people over 65 and older depend on social security for at least half their income, and roughly 20 percent rely on it for all their income.” These are pretty promising numbers regarding the way that the American seniors are spending their

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