
Social Security Program: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

We could save the Social Security Program, if we engaged in some simple changes. There could be some slight changes in the retirement age area and in the Taxes area. According to the Article "Modest Changes Could save Social Security Program" written by Stephen Ohlemacher, he clearly stated that employees are 100% grantee for an full retirement benefit package once the hit the age of sixty-six. It will later rises to the age of sixty-seven for elders that was born in 1960 or later. In addition, employees are able to receive an early retirement at the age of sixty-two, although their retirement benefits would have been reduced (Ohlemacher). Some changes we can apply to the retirement age, is that we could slightly increase the retirement age until it reaches seventy in the year 2027, which would eliminate some shortfall in the program. Secondly, there should be a three-year increase in the early retirement age, …show more content…

Our Social Security program mainly help out with older citizens and retirement but Social Security is more than just a retirement plan. The program helps families where a parent die and there is no type of income, a worker who has been disabled, and a dependent parent. If there were some type of circumstances in one home or life, they would be able to receive Social Security at any age. There is no doubt in my mind that we should save this program, no matter the cost, it helps out so many people in ways that we may not know of. Take some time and think about the world if this program had never been created and image how many people would be in poverty, unemployed, and old people who are not being able to pay for medicines or supply that they need. We should not change anything in the Social Security program until an crisis acquire, and when that day comes we will already know what to do to improve it by changing certain things in the

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