
Japan 's Olympic Games Against Rio De Janeiro

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Japan 's Olympic Win
Beads of sweat dripped down Tsunekazu Takeda 's forehead as he eagerly awaited the fate of his beloved city Tokyo. He glanced around nervously to his fellow committee members as they had their eyes deadlocked on the 70 year old president of the International Olympic Committee Jacques Rogge. The defeat in the previous biddings 4 years ago still lingered in everyone 's mind as a nervous chill ran down his back as he watched as Rogge was handed the envelop. All was silent in the room all expect for the words "The International committee has the honor of announcing the 32nd Olympia games in 2020 are awarded to the city of Tokyo." A sigh of relive follow by a huge cheer or excitement filled the room as the Tsunekazu and his fellow Japanese committee members bounced out of their seats applauding and waving their flag. They had failed to win the 2016 Olympic Games against Rio de Janeiro in 2009 but have redeemed themselves here in 2013 winning the 2020 Olympics. The minds of the Japanese Olympic committee were unanimous; they had done it, on September 7th 2013, after 50 years the summer Olympics have been brought back to japan once again. But the celebration was only temporary, like a sugar high that wouldn’t last; hosting the Olympic Games is not an easy task. Years of planning and preparation, venues, ceremonies, along with cost vs expenses budget control, public opinion, and fluctuating the economy are only the tip of the iceberg of their worries. Tokyo is

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